Time Together and Routines in Islam
Everyday routines
“Families that tend to have regular routines and roles usually have children who do well…” “ Keeping these everyday routines (like eating together and doing household tasks) is associated with positive outcomes for adolescents.”[1]
Spending time together
“Having fun with one's family is related to better outcomes for adolescents.” “Quality time is important for happiness in family relationships.”[1]
The Islamic way of life includes many daily routines. Including praying regularly throughout the day.” Muslims are encouraged to fix their lives around the prayers, like holding off a errand, or rising earlier for the dawn prayer.” http://library.thinkquest.org/05aug/02016/i_daily_life.htm
There are a multitude of other daily habits encouraged within the faith as well distinctly defined family roles. The parents have designated responsibilities to each other and their extended family and in particular towards their children. In turn children are counseled to “Children should be good and faithful to parents, but as far obedience is concerned it is only to Allah” [2]
Children are clearly directed to be mindful of their parents at the same time knowing that they are deemed accountable to Allah for how well they obey.
One additional routine is the study of the Quran. This not only provides further consistency for the family but also an opportunity to spend time together and build a closer relationship.
There are many other ways for a family to spend time together. Among these are a vast number that are nonreligious or even anti-religious. Watching television together or attending a sporting event like football provides opportunities to spend time with friends and family. These activities are needed it is true and excluding the anti-religious they are an important part of actively following a families religion.
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