“Mormonism is the fastest growing faith group in American history according to U.S. News & World Report, which reports that if present trends continue there could be 265 million members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) worldwide by 2080.”[i] With the growth of this Christian church skyrocketing, many are wondering what makes this faith so popular. As someone who grew up in the Mormon faith, I can promise that having a strong united family is essential to happiness within the home. Mormonism currently serves as the fourth largest Christian sect in America, which begs the question: What are the consequences of being an active Mormon on your family?[ii]
Positive mental health in parents
Research shows that positive mental health in parents creates stronger families: “Children whose parents say that they feel calm, peaceful or happy are more likely than other children to be positively involved in school and less likely to act out or have emotional problems.”[iii] Involving your family with the Mormon faith will make your family stronger because the LDS religion promotes positive mental health through temple worship. Amy, an active Mormon, describes the benefits of temple worship as strengthening her mental health: “I love the temple. I am so grateful that my husband and I were able to be sealed in the temple. Now, I feel like our family is complete. The temple is such a peaceful, beautiful place where you can feel God's spirit so strong.”[iv] Mormons believe that families are eternal, meaning that they will be together in the next life once they are “sealed”, or married for eternity in the temple. This temple worship will help you develop a stronger family because you will have more peace and happiness in your life.
[i] http://www.cbn.com/spirituallife/churchandministry/evangelism/mormons_are_fastest_growing_religion.aspx (Accessed June 12, 2009)
[ii] http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1904146,00.html (Accessed June 12, 2009)
[iii] http://missourifamilies.org/features/parentingarticles/parenting25.htm (Accessed June 12, 2009)
[iv] http://hubpages.com/hub/Mormon-sacred-temple-ceremony-inside (Accessed June 12, 2009)
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