Positive mental health in parents
“Children whose parents say that they feel calm, peaceful or happy are more likely than other children to be positively involved…”[1]
Islam encourages parents to have a cordial and harmonious relationship. It does so by declaring that this relationship should be cordial if not ideal from the very beginning. To help maintain this many plans are laid out for dealing with conflicts or disagreements between parents. In addition, conditions for and ways of avoiding divorce are intricately explained.[2] Thus in many ways Islam helps parents to maintain a positive relationship with each other and this contributes to their positive mental health.
A true follower of Islam is able to feel greater peace. In part this is the same as with any belief in a higher power. Believing that somehow or other it will all be o.k. in the end reduces worry and stress allowing the individual to feel at peace.
“Inner peace can only be gained once you submit yourself to Allah …… Allah sends down peace in the hearts of the sincere believers.”
http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090331072651AAudGye Posted by: honey 26
It is possible for parents to feel calm, peaceful and happy outside of a religion. One web site contains a section dedicated just to helping people achieve greater peace of mind. Many other sources are available as well. The aforementioned web page contained counsel such as “Don't hold grudges. Learn to forget and forgive. Nurturing ill feelings and grievances hurts you and causes lack of sleep.” This same advice is taught as part of many religious lifestyles. So yes it is possible to have peace of mind outside of a religious lifestyle although it means following an aspect or two of that religious lifestyle anyway. http://www.successconsciousness.com/peace_mind.htm
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